Lewis Chaplin - Card Stand

- 24 pages, 130 × 200 mm
- One-colour riso on Cyclus Offset 80gsm
- Saddle-stitched
- Published by Loose Joints, July 2014
17/02/2011 20.05 (EST)
There is a public CCTV camera trained on Times Square, at the corner of 7th Ave and West 46th St. Every day, thousands of people look at other people through it.
At 8.05pm on 17th Feb 2011, a user of the anonymous message-board 4chan knocked down the card stand that lingers tantalisingly in the corner of the CCTV camera’s frame.
This publication shows the image responses posted to 4chan’s /b/ message-board chronologically and simultaneously by various anonymous collaborators, who for one brief moment were connected virtually by vicarious urges, united in the act of witnessing.
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