Jack Davison – Ol Pejeta

- Signed copies shipping from the UK only
- Print Edition also available:
two 8x10" prints, edition of 100
- 44 pages, 19 duotone & 7 colour plates, 245 × 265 mm
- Softcover booklet housed in oversized folded poster
- Responsibly printed using a mix of excess papers, leftover from other projects
- Edited by Sarah Chaplin Espenon
- Text by Sam Anderson
- Edited and published by Loose Joints
- ISBN 978-1-912719-23-5, January 2021
Narrated video flipthrough by Loose Joints as part of Printed Matter's Virtual Art Book Fair
- Press
- New York Times
- The Guardian
- Document Journal
- PORT Magazine
- British Journal of Photography
- AnOther
- Collector Daily
- De Morgen (in Dutch)
- Público (in Portugese)
- Sabado 100 (in Spanish)
Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya is one of the largest rhinoceros sanctuaries in the world and home to Najin & Fatu, a mother and daughter who are the last living Northern White Rhinos in existence. Davison visited Ol Pejeta to photograph Najin & Fatu with their tirelessly devoted caretaker Zacharia, for a New York Times article about the successful in-vitro fertilization of their frozen eggs by a team of scientists, that may soon create a lifeline to avoid extinction of the species.
Davison turns his inimitable eye on Ol Pejeta Conservancy to capture the grace, power and pathos of Najin & Fatu, as well as focusing on the deep spiritual and physical connection between the rhinos and their keepers, who guard them with their life, using dogs, weapons, drones and surveillance. Like the powerful interplay of light and dark that often characterises Davison's work, Ol Pejeta is also a story of contrasts: on the one hand, the deep tragedy of another species slipping away at the hands of mankind, and on the other, the hope and optimism presented by science and innovation to support and uplift the fragile natural world.
We will be donating a portion of proceeds from this book towards supporting the work of Ol Pejeta Conservancy and Biorescue, the genetic project.